Mississippi Coast Crime Stoppers asking for tips on cats hit with blow gun darts in Poplarville

Published 10:50 am Friday, January 14, 2022

Mississippi Coast Crime Stoppers along with Poplarville Police Department is asking for the public’s assistance to identify the individual/individuals involved in shooting cats with darts from a blowgun.


Over the last couple of years, cats have been struck with a yellow dart, about 4-5″ long with an arrow on the end.  Attached you will find photos of one cat that was struck by a dart and fortunately survived.

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Since individuals may be charged with a felony under Mississippi’s Animal Cruelty law that was signed in 2020, Crime Stoppers will pay up to $2500 for an arrest if the tip comes through us. Information on these crimes can be sent to Crime Stoppers by downloading the app, P3 Tips, or by calling 1-877-787-5898.


For questions for the Poplarville Police Department, please call Central Dispatch at 601-749-5482 or 601-749-5483.