The story behind the turtle on a fence post

Published 7:00 am Saturday, August 21, 2021

By Ronnie Michel

I love stories. One of my favorites is a story told by Dr. Robert Lamont, a Presbyterian pastor who felt incredibly blessed by God.

“When I was a schoolboy,” Lamont said, “we would occasionally see a turtle on a fence post, and when we did, we knew someone had put him there. He didn’t get there by himself. That is how I see my own life. I’m a turtle on a fence post.”

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Has anyone helped you get to where you are today? Is there someone you can consistently count on for support? Who are your encouragers? Today would be a great day to pick up the phone, or better yet, write a note thanking them for the role they have played in your life.

If you can’t think of anyone who has spoken strength and courage into your life lately, I have another question. Have you encouraged yourself?

In the Bible, David did. While he and his men were out fighting, the Amalekites looted their homes, burned their village, and took their wives and children captive. Upon their discovery, the men wept until they had no more strength, then talked of stoning David. On what was clearly not his best day, what did David do? 1 Samuel 30:6 continues the story, “David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” When he had no one else to turn to, he turned to God and found strength. David led his men to find what had been stolen. They fought the enemy and recovered everything that had been stolen and every wife and child.

It’s no surprise that David later wrote in Psalm 138:3, “In the day when I cried you answered me and strengthened me with strength in my soul.” So one more question. Whether you are surrounded by an immense support system, or alone and encouraging yourself, who is the one person you can call and encourage right now?

Ronny may be reached at