Picayune city officials, police update signage in no-truck zone
Published 7:00 am Thursday, December 3, 2015

NEW SIGNAGE: The City of Picayune Public Works Department recently added these new signs at both ends of Bruce Street to indicate the fact that the residential area is a no truck zone. Picayune Police Department Sgt. Matt Roberts is pictured with one of the new signs.
Photo submitted
Recently, the city of Picayune and the Picayune Police Department have received complaints from Bruce Street residents large commercial trucks traveling in what is supposed to be a no-truck zone.
“Many of the complaints were phoned in to the city or made to the council person for this district,” Picayune Public Works Director Eric Morris said. “This area is residential. There are small children and elderly residents trying to enter and use the street. It’s hazardous when the commercial trucks drive down the street.”
Upon receipt of the complaints at the police department, Picayune Police Chief Bryan Dawsey and Assistant Police Chief Jeremy Magri went to Bruce Street to evaluate the signage situation.
They noted that the signs were faded and the issue was addressed with officials at City Hall, including Morris, Magri said.
In the past week, the old signage has been replaced and two different signs were added, Morris said.
“The newer signs will attract the truck driver’s attention,” Morris said.
In addition to updated visuals, Picayune Police Cpt. and patrol commander James Bolton visited local trucking businesses to make drivers aware of the route for large trucks, Magri said.
Morris said the no-truck zone begins at the Bruce and South Main Street intersection and ends at the Bruce and Martin Luther King Boulevard intersection.
“If a truck is headed east on Jackson Landing Road, then the driver should turn south on Martin Luther King Boulevard, which is the designated truck route” Morris said.
Now that the area is clearly marked, Magri said the department will boost patrol in that area and officers will be enforcing the no-trucking zone and issuing citations if necessary.
If people see large trucks passing through the zone, they are encouraged to contact the Picayune Police Department at 601-798-7411.