School begins next week
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, July 30, 2014

BAND PRACTICE: Members of the Maroon Tide’s band, dance and flag teams practiced their halftime performances Tuesday outside of the football stadium.
Photo by Jeremy Pittari
School begins next week in the Pearl River County and Picayune school districts and administrators said they are ready to celebrate and have planned exciting activities.
Pearl River County School District’s Superintendent Alan Lumpkin said each of the five schools is planning a celebration according to its own unique theme.
Lumpkin said the children are always excited to see what activities the staff cook up each year.
“Aim for the Stars” is this year’s district-wide theme, Lumpkin said.
“We have a great community of parents and students and have high expectations for their grades, attendance and characters. We want them to ‘aim for the stars’,” Lumpkin said.
In preparation for the new school year, Lumpkin suggests students and teachers start implementing their school year sleep schedules about a week before the first day.
“Get them in bed earlier and start waking them up early, that way it’s not a shock on the first day and no one is rushing to school. Less stress equals a better day for the students,” Lumpkin said.
Visit the district’s website at to find the school supplies list, important dates, information on the uniform and dress code and lunch menus.
Meet the teacher is Tuesday, August 5. The event will be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the McNeill campus for grades K-5 and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Carriere campus for grades 6-12.
Beginning at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, August 6 is the prayer walk. Local church ministers and congregations walk through the schools and pray for the upcoming school year, Lumpkin said.
The first day of school is Thursday, August 7.
Classes begin at 8:20 a.m. at the Carriere campus and 7:35 a.m. at the McNeill campus.
Lumpkin encourages the entire community to be extra careful on the roads, especially the first few weeks of school.
There is a lot more traffic on the roadways at that time and drivers need to be extra aware of buses, parents and children, Lumpkin said.
Lumpkin advises parents to leave early and be patient, as school lines are typically longer the first few days of school.
Picayune School District’s Assistant Superintendent Brent Harrell said the first day of school for grades 1-12 is Thursday, August 7. The first day for kindergartners is Friday, August 15.
Visit the Picayune school district’s website at for a list of schools and start times, Harrell said.
School supply lists have been delivered to local vendors and the district’s dress code can be found in the student handbook, which is given out on the first day of school, Harrell said.
There will be an open house at the elementary campuses on Wednesday, August 6 beginning at 3:30 p.m. and lasting to 5 p.m. The open house for kindergartners is Thursday, August 14 from 10 a.m. to noon.
Harrell said the community needs to be aware of pedestrians and buses in the mornings and afternoons.
For the first time, grades K-6 will eat free breakfast and lunch, Harrell said.
Breakfast is served at 7:30 a.m.
“It’s very important for parents to have their children at school on time everyday,” Harrell said.