Be prepared, heed warnings

Published 7:00 am Thursday, March 27, 2014

Why do bad things happen to good people? Or better yet, Why do we have natural disasters? We have enough man-made disasters to worry about; we do not need catastrophic events beyond our control to deal with as well.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where the elements are always changing, always evolving. The natural processes of this magnificent planet we inhabit have effects that wouldn’t be so catastrophic, but we humans find ourselves in the pathway.

I am sure the victims of the Washington State mudslide never dreamed their mountain would someday engulf their homes. Just like the people of Pompeii never dreamed they would be wiped away by a volcano. And the victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami were not prepared to be swept away by giant waves.

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So what can we do as humans to protect ourselves from these disasters, which are a part of our planet’s natural processes?

Watch and listen. Unlike ancient civilizations, we have the technology to be forewarned of most impending disasters. Advancements in science and technology have made it possible to pinpoint when and where natural disasters are likely to occur.

When advised to evacuate, get out! If you can’t find suitable shelter or it is too dangerous to stay, then gather up your loved ones and head for higher ground.

Use common sense. We have been told on numerous occasions not to drive through high water, not to venture out during extreme weather, not to go to the beach when the water recedes, and yet we still do it. Videotaping a tornado as it bears down on your home may be exciting, but it is dangerous and ill advised.

Always have a plan. Protect your family by having an emergency plan.

Even though it still feels a little wintry outside. tornado and hurricane seasons are right around the corner. Protect yourselves by being prepared, and listen to the warnings.


About Barbara Mizell

Barbara Mizell began working for the Picayune Item in 1993. She started during the "cut and paste" days of the newspaper, and was the first to create a newspaper page using the computer for the Item. She has served as Composing Supervisor and honorary Religion Editor. Of all the contributions she has made over her 20 years at the Item, she is most proud of the World War II book "The Greatest Generation." Barbara was born and raised in the White Sand Community on Lee Hill, she has also written many short stories about growing up on the hill.

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