Veterans Day luncheon to help library
Published 4:03 pm Wednesday, November 4, 2009
With Veterans Day next week, a number of events are being held to honor them including an exhibit, a luncheon, an Armed Services Reception, and a parade.
And one of those events will also help the Freinds of the Library purchase new books for Libray patrons.
On Wednesday, November 11, Veterans Day, Friends of the Margaret Reed Crosby Memorial Library and Cultural Center are having “Remember the Veterans” exhibit featuring items loaned by veterans from various tours. Immediately following the opening of the exhibit is a Veterans Day Tasters Fund Raiser Luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The cost for the luncheon is $12 and tickets need to be purchased in advance from the front Library desk during Library hours. All the profits from the luncheon will go towards the purchase of new books for the library.
Major fund raisers for the Library, the Friends have a number of events through-out the year to purchase a variety of items for the Library, such as helping purchase the magnifier, the Elmo projector, and chairs for the Library last year.
“The Friends are having the Tasters Luncheon in order to raise money for new books for the Library due to the number of budget cuts happening on all levels of government,” said Friends member Kathleen Holland. “One of the first items to be cut is the funds for new books and one of the areas of service that the Crosby Friends have always been actively involved in is helping the Library purchase new Library materials.”
Holland noted that the Friends have a number of fund raisers through-out the year to raise money for the purchase of not only books, but magazines, research materials, and furnishings. “We got the chairs last year because the ones they had were 60 years old and in awful shape,” said Holland.
One of the major fund raiser, she continued, is the Spring book sale. “With the current economic recession, more and more individuals from all walks of life are using the Library,” said Holland. “It has always been a source of excitement and joy to Library patrons to find the newest of best sellers already on the shelves or on the way.”
She continued, “The new CD’s and DVD’s provide hours of good entertainment. The magazine and newspaper reading area is well loved and used almost continually and the reference section with many of the latest nonfiction books is invaluable to students, job seekers, and people who wish to start a business, or learn almost any thing.”
But, she pointed out, supplying the Library with these things would be next to impossible without help from the public. “All of these wonderful things take money and we need the public’s help to assist the Library in continuing to do so,” said Holland.
To help the Friends raise the funds to keep supply the Library with the much needed reading materials, the Veterans Taster’s Luncheon will be November 11, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Carry out boxes will be available for those who have limited time.
Holland said many of the local area businesses and Friends of the Library have been very generous in donating large amounts food for the luncheon. Door prizes have also been donated to be awarded on November 11. There are also items toward a drawing to be held on December 6 at The World War II program. Tickets for the luncheon are on sale at the Library during regular business hours for $12. “If you can’t come yourself and you wish to sponsor someone that would be a nice thing to do,” said Holland. “Take a veteran to lunch.”
To increase the seating, the Library will be closed until 3 p.m. Holland that the tables for the luncheon will arranged in such a way that people can gather with friends if they wish. “The tables in the Library will provide nice seating for groups that would like to dine together,” said Holland.
Continuing, she said, “The Friends hope that our local business people, Red Hats, club members, Veterans, and Friends members will buy tickets and enjoy the good food and fellowship and we greatly appreciate all who do.”
Noting that she hoped the event was well-attended, Holland said, “All the profits will go to the Library to purchase new books — please come out and support your Library.”
This Friday is the Armed Services Reception at Picayune Memorial High School. It runs from 8:30 a.m. until 3 p.m.
Veterans will be sharing their stories and memorabilia with students, faculty and staff during the reception.
Allison Wheat said the event will be held in the high school’s gymnasium and that the veterans would be set up at individual tables. “The students will be able to meet with them in small groups and talk with them,” said Wheat. “They’ll be able to listen to the veterans individually share their experiences.”
A small Civil War encampment will also be set up during the event and will feature food samples from the time period, dance demonstrations, and artillery.
Open to the public as well, Wheat said that veterans are encouraged to attend and bring their memorabilia, as well as family members of deceased veterans.
Last but not least is the Veterans Day parade on Saturday, November 14 at 2 p.m.
Sponsored by the NJROTC and Mississippi Coast Watchers, all veterans and current military are encouraged to attend and ride in one of the antique vehicles restored by MCW.
The public is encouraged to attend the parade to honor the veterans.
For more information, call 601-749-9463.